From Paralysis to Progress:
The Small Steps Method That's Changing Lives
Lose the overwhelm. Reclaim your groove. And finally complete those big tasks that have been draining your energy and self worth.
From Paralysis to Progress:
The Small Steps Method That's Changing Lives
Lose the overwhelm. Reclaim your groove. And finally complete those big tasks that have been draining your energy and self worth.
When overwhelm hits, even simple tasks can feel impossible. The guilt creeps in. The anxiety builds. And nothing gets done. You're not alone!
I get it, when I was 26, impulsivity decided I was moving to Australia. I put in the job application, got the job and the visa before the momentum from my new great urgency vanished.
All that was left was my packing. But something odd had started to happen.
I couldn't so much as hear the word 'Australia' without sprinting from the room. Books on it were thrown under the bed and a week before leaving I hadn't even started packing my flat! Thankfully, my friends mucked in and didn't leave until I walked through security at the airport!
But I would get overwhelm, again. And so I built a robust toolkit that recently allowed me to travel through 18 countries alone with two neurodivergent children. And I'd love to share it with you!
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What if you could confidently complete those overwhelming tasks with pride and Reclaim your Groove
Even if coaching or programs haven't worked for you before
Not only videos with subtitles and infographics, there's Innate Brilliants like you to network with too.
That keeps you in control of your own task management
The Hollywood style assistant in your pocket assisting with self care and time management.
Queer AuDHDer,
ex-Nurse, Marketer
and ICF trained
Neurodiversity Specialist Coach
"I felt so comfortable with Nicci Lou. She is amazing, she’s so supportive, especially with understanding my autism and how it fits to me. I could be autonomous. Honestly, really helpful! Would 100% recommend."
"Nicci asks great questions that really challenged my own thought processes and supported me through getting unstuck. I have noticed that my own thinking is becoming more supportive and I am thinking/working through my own challenges better since."
"Nicci Lou instantly put people at ease, allowing them to open up about their experiences She is highly professional yet relaxed and down to earth, her ability to educate her clients is brilliant and I couldn't recommend her highly enough.
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."
"I feel like I have a completely different headspace when I am writing content, thinking in a different way, which I know will help me massively. I know this will be lasting. Thank you Nicci, I highly recommend you get into her world and work with her.
"My biggest take away [from the How to Unmask webinar] would be I really like the engagement with your audience and different life experiences…. Thank you for your enlightenment and I am so happy to see how comfortable you are as a person and that is admirable!”
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"Working with Nicci Lou as a Confidence Coach was really positive. The service is inclusive and I felt respected and autonomous. The admin side was very easy. I think for me, our work together was a catalyst to make me examine my own thought processes and behaviors”
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."
Lifetime Access Guarantee
Don't let another day slip away feeling stuck.
For just £25, you can start breaking down those big dreams into achievable steps.
A three step video program to move you out of overwhelm even if other coaching programs haven't worked for you.
3 focused 10-minute videos
infographics and subtitles as standard
Early lifetime access to app Brilliantly You
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A supportive community of people who understand
A say in the making of the app that's an assistant in your pocket
Authentic lived experience backed by evidence based practise shared
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All prices in GBP
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You ask and I'll answer
Hi I'm Queer AuDHDer, Nicci Lou, Confidence Coach, Nurse of 20 years, Mother to Neurodivergents and World Traveller. And I am 100% here for you. As an autistic I am direct, but also I have a strong sense of justice, so I only want you to click to buy if you know that this product is right for you...
You can reach me here