From Paralysis to Progress: 

The Small Steps Method That's Changing Lives

Lose the overwhelm. Reclaim your groove. And finally complete those big tasks that have been draining your energy and self worth. 

Queer AuDHDer, 

ex-Nurse, Marketer 

and ICF trained
Neurodiversity Specialist Coach

"I felt so comfortable with Nicci Lou. She is amazing, she’s so supportive, especially with understanding my autism and how it fits to me.  I could be autonomous.  Honestly, really helpful! Would 100% recommend."


"Nicci asks great questions that really challenged my own thought processes and supported me through getting unstuck. I have noticed that my own thinking is becoming more supportive and I am thinking/working through my own challenges better since."


"Nicci Lou instantly put people at ease, allowing them to open up about their experiences She is highly professional yet relaxed and down to earth, her ability to educate her clients is brilliant and I couldn't recommend her highly enough.

CEO / Founder

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

"I feel like I have a completely different headspace when I am writing content, thinking in a different way, which I know will help me massively. I know this will be lasting. Thank you Nicci, I highly recommend you get into her world and work with her.

Life Coach

"My biggest take away [from the How to Unmask webinar] would be I really like the engagement with your audience and different life experiences…. Thank you for your enlightenment and I am so happy to see how comfortable you are as a person and that is admirable!” 

LGBTQ person

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"Working with Nicci Lou as a Confidence Coach was really positive. The service is inclusive and I felt respected and autonomous. The admin side was very easy. I think for me, our work together was a catalyst to make me examine my own thought processes and behaviors”

Coachee with ADHDer

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

Lifetime Access Guarantee

Don't let another day slip away feeling stuck. 

For just £25, you can start breaking down those big dreams into achievable steps.

A three step video program to move you out of overwhelm even if other coaching programs haven't worked for you. 

3 focused 10-minute videos

infographics and subtitles as standard

Early lifetime access to app Brilliantly You

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A supportive community of people who understand

A say in the making of the app that's an assistant in your pocket

Authentic lived experience backed by evidence based practise shared

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Small is SmartComplete 'that big thing' without overwhelm£25
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You ask and I'll answer 

Hi I'm Queer AuDHDer, Nicci Lou, Confidence Coach, Nurse of 20 years, Mother to Neurodivergents and World Traveller. And I am 100% here for you. As an autistic I am direct, but also I have a strong sense of justice, so I only want you to click to buy if you know that this product is right for you... 

  • You're gay and neurodivergent, do I have to be?
    Absolutely not! You can be one, the other or neither and I am still here for you! I didn't identify as these things myself for many many years in my life. And picked up other diagnosis that I no longer identify with - even though they're probably still on my medical record. This program will show you that you're perfect just as you are, right now, label or no.
  • What if I don't have one 'big task', but lots of little ones making living life difficult?
    Not a problem, life itself can often feel like one gigantic task for my clients. Staying healthy, self care, work, relationships - it's one huge task. And your insurmountable task this week may be getting in the shower, or it maybe flying around The World. This program is for you either way.
  • Christmas is coming up, will this help with my being the hostess with the mostess?
    Even if you hate cooking, and entertaining. Then this program is here to help you 'put on' Christmas or your next big function your way. For example, I'll show you how I've removed the focus being on the food this year when I host - as I am not a fan of cooking.
  • What if I have autism and PDA (persistent drive for autism) or ADHD, can you help?
    I am specifically trained through an ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited program to work around your PDA and neurodivergent needs. It's how I know other coaching programs probably haven't worked for you. And that SMART goals need adapting to not set off even more overwhelm including the freeze response.

    Not only that, but as a mother of a PDA autistic as well as an ADHD child. And as an AuDHDer (I have autism and ADHD) myself I have lived experience too in an industry where that counts more than most. Because qualitative research is more predominantly found - as quantitative, research backed, studies are hard to find. As a nurse, trained at Great Ormond Street Hospital I also have the research skills to deduce fact from fiction.